WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Finance Committee Paper 3 27/08/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY FINANCE COMMITTEE Title: APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE FOR COMMUNITIES LIVING AND WORKING IN THE PARK Prepared by: ANDY RINNING, HEAD OF CORPORATE SERVICES Purpose To approve the expenditure proposal committing the Park Authority to spend up to £20,000 to detail the policy context and identify the key issues and associated strategic objectives relating to ‘Communities Living and Working in the Park’. Recommendations • That the Committee approve the expenditure proposal prior to submission to the Scottish Executive. Executive Summary Approval is sought for up to £20,000 to be spent in line with the schedule of work set out in the paper - ‘National Park Plan’, which was approved by the Board on 2 July, 2004. The planned expenditure has also been budgeted within the CNPA Operational Plan. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE JUSTIFICATION FOR COMMUNITIES LIVING AND WORKING IN THE PARK Discussion 1. The Finance Committee is invited to review the attached Expenditure Justification (Annex 1) and approve the plan if they see fit. ANDY RINNING 18 August 2004 andyrinning@cairngorms.co.uk